Tag archives: premiere

Theatermusik für Ersan Mondtag

Das Internat
Von Ersan Mondtag
mit Texten von Alexander Kerlin und Matthias Seier
REGIE: Ersan Mondtag
@Schauspiel Dortmund
Uraufführung am 09.02.2018


(C) Birgit Hupfeld

(C) Birgit Hupfeld

Endstation Sehnsucht Premieres December 6th

When director Kay Voges plays with aesthetics of Tennessee Williams‘ original theatrical masterpiece and modern techniques in his very own version of „Endstation Sehnsucht“ („A Streetcar Named Desire“), theatre and media arts will stand on an equal footing with reality and dream.

Director: Kay Voges
Stage / Scenic_Design: Daniel Roskamp
Stage Clothes: Mona Ulrich
Music / Composition: T.D. Finck von Finckenstein
Video: Daniel Hengst
Dramaturgy: Hannah Schwegler
Susanne Buchenberger
Claude De Demo
Stephanie Eidt
Ralf Drexler
Oliver Kraushaar
Viktor Tremmel
Sebastian Volk
and others

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Reverse_Me Premiere


Commissioned by the Goethe-institut during a six weeks residency, Reverse_Me by Fabien Prioville (former Lalala Human Steps and Pina-Bausch dancer) is a unique work created for the space with the special appearance of Louise Lecavalier and original music by T.D. Finck von Finckenstein (composer at the Theater Dortmund).The challenge was to transform the premises of the Goethe-Institut for four nights into an arts performance space where the rooms and their contents are used artistically and acoustically, becoming an area of play for abstract works of creation in the research of a performance.

Concept / Dramaturgy / Video: Fabien Prioville
Performers: Fabien Prioville / Louise Lecavalier.
Music: T.D. Finck von Finckenstein

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