The Memories of Borderline
von Kay Voges, Dirk Baumann, Alexander Kerlin
REGIE: Kay Voges
3-D Engineering: Cyberräuber
SA 9.9.2017, 17:00-17:30
SO 10.9.2017, 12:00-12:30
„Effektsicher werden durch den grandios verschränkten Musikteppich (T.D. Finck von Finckenstein) die Emotionen aufgewühlt, dramaturgisch gekonnt Geschwindigkeit, Musikrausch und Bilderstakkato gesteigert“ 15. April 2016
Kay Voges‘ praised German version of Sarah Kane’s „4.48 Psychosis“ is back for a new season at Schauspiel Dortmund. Get your Tickets!
The play not only features the amazingly talented actors Uwe Rohbeck, Merle Wasmuth and Björn Gabriel, but also state-of-the-art-programming by Lucas Pleß and Stefan Kögl, live video art by Mario Simon and original music by T.D. Finck von Finckenstein, also performed live.
The first sold-out show will take place on December 10th, 2014. It will be streamed live and loud from Schausiel Dortmund to Heinrich-Böll-Stifung, Berlin for a discussion on how livestreaming could change the future of theatre. Director Kay Voges and Daniel Hengst, video artist for many of Voges‘ pieces, will be joining the discussion in Berlin.
Take a look at the trailer: